Bahasa Indonesia
Saya percaya teorinya, kalau tidak rusak tidak perlu diperbaiki. AF-1 merupakan sepatu yang bisa dikatakan memiliki sejarah dan dukungan aliran sesat, salah satu siluet kuat yang sering digunakan untuk kolaborasi dan aktivasi platform. Sedikit sejarah di balik AF-1, Dirancang oleh Bruce Kilgore dan diperkenalkan pada tahun 1982, Nike Air Force 1 adalah sepatu basket pertama yang menampilkan teknologi Nike Air
Menurut saya, bentuk AF-1 memang didesain untuk pasar Amerika. di mana semuanya dibuat tebal dan tebal. Bukan untuk meremehkan master Bruce, ia memiliki sejarah yang indah, tetapi saya percaya bentuk lamanya kuat dan telah teruji oleh waktu, tetapi saya hanya memberikan perspektif lain dan konsep evolusi yang lain. Saya melihatnya perlu berevolusi, dengan desainnya, saya merasa pasar sepatu lain akan berpikir dua kali untuk membeli/memakainya karena proporsi tubuhnya kurang memadai. Sepatu chunky biasanya cocok untuk yang berbadan besar, berbadan lebar dan tinggi. Itu sebabnya sepatu AF1 diperuntukkan bagi tubuh orang Amerika. Dari pemikiran tersebut, saya memikirkan konsep mendesain ulang AF1 dengan bentuk yang lebih tajam di bagian atas dan datar di bagian midsole.
check out step by step cara saya membuat concept art illustrationnya .
Semoga kalian suka designnya
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )
I believe in the theory, if it's not broken, there's no need to fix it. AF-1 is a shoe that can be said to have a history and cult support, one of the strong silhouettes that is often used for platform collabs and activations. A little history behind the AF-1, Designed by Bruce Kilgore and introduced in 1982, the Nike Air Force 1 was the first basketball shoe to feature Nike Air technology
In my opinion, the AF-1 shape is really designed for the American market. where everything is made chunky and thick.Not to diss the master Bruce, it has beautiful history, but i believe the old shape is strong and had been true test of time, but im just giving another perspective and other concept of evolution. i see it need to evolve, with the design, I feel that other markets for wearing the shoes will think twice about buying/wearing them because the body proportions are not adequate. Chunky shoes are usually suitable for large bodies, wide and tall bodies. That's why the AF1 shoes are scaled for American bodies. From these thoughts, I thought of the concept of re-designing the AF1 with a sharper shape on the upper and flatter on the midsoles.
Check out step by step how I made the concept art illustration
Hope you like the design
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )
NOTE: I dont work for Nike, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you guys can contact me anytime