Thursday, 30 January 2025

IF I EVER DESIGN : Concept Illustration the next evolution for the Nike AF-1 from my perspective

IF I EVER DESIGN : Concept Illustration the next evolution for the Nike AF-1 from my perspective
Bahasa Indonesia
Saya percaya teorinya, kalau tidak rusak tidak perlu diperbaiki. AF-1 merupakan sepatu yang bisa dikatakan memiliki sejarah dan dukungan aliran sesat, salah satu siluet kuat yang sering digunakan untuk kolaborasi dan aktivasi platform. Sedikit sejarah di balik AF-1, Dirancang oleh Bruce Kilgore dan diperkenalkan pada tahun 1982, Nike Air Force 1 adalah sepatu basket pertama yang menampilkan teknologi Nike Air
Menurut saya, bentuk AF-1 memang didesain untuk pasar Amerika. di mana semuanya dibuat tebal dan tebal. Bukan untuk meremehkan master Bruce, ia memiliki sejarah yang indah, tetapi saya percaya bentuk lamanya kuat dan telah teruji oleh waktu, tetapi saya hanya memberikan perspektif lain dan konsep evolusi yang lain. Saya melihatnya perlu berevolusi, dengan desainnya, saya merasa pasar sepatu lain akan berpikir dua kali untuk membeli/memakainya karena proporsi tubuhnya kurang memadai. Sepatu chunky biasanya cocok untuk yang berbadan besar, berbadan lebar dan tinggi. Itu sebabnya sepatu AF1 diperuntukkan bagi tubuh orang Amerika. Dari pemikiran tersebut, saya memikirkan konsep mendesain ulang AF1 dengan bentuk yang lebih tajam di bagian atas dan datar di bagian midsole.

check out step by step cara saya membuat concept art illustrationnya  . 
Semoga kalian suka designnya 
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

I believe in the theory, if it's not broken, there's no need to fix it. AF-1 is a shoe that can be said to have a history and cult support, one of the strong silhouettes that is often used for platform collabs and activations. A little history behind the AF-1, Designed by Bruce Kilgore and introduced in 1982, the Nike Air Force 1 was the first basketball shoe to feature Nike Air technology
In my opinion, the AF-1 shape is really designed for the American market. where everything is made chunky and thick.Not to diss the master Bruce, it has beautiful history, but i believe the old shape is strong and had been true test of time, but im just giving another perspective and other concept of evolution. i see it need to evolve, with the design, I feel that other markets for wearing the shoes will think twice about buying/wearing them because the body proportions are not adequate. Chunky shoes are usually suitable for large bodies, wide and tall bodies. That's why the AF1 shoes are scaled for American bodies. From these thoughts, I thought of the concept of re-designing the AF1 with a sharper shape on the upper and flatter on the midsoles.

Check out step by step how I made the concept art illustration   
Hope you like the design 
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )

NOTE: I dont work for Nike, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Review : Kanky x Never Too Lavish- The Prism of Zodiac color SAGITARIUS

Review :  Kanky x Never Too Lavish- The Prism of Zodiac color SAGITARIUS

Bahasa Indonesia
Article kali ini adalah article review sepatu Kanky x Never Too Lavish- The Prism of Zodiac color SAGITARIUS . jujur saya cuma pernah denger dan photo booth Kanky brand di acara seperti JSD dan USS, tapi tidak pernah mengulik. yang saya tau cuma Kanky adalah local brand dan ada beberapa anak2 yang di bawah umur saya menjalankan brand tersebut.ini adalah sepatu pertama bermerek tersebut yang saya dapatkan dari acara kermarin press released. kemarin ada 2 warna , yang saya dapatkan yang ini
Saya tau teman2 sneaker enthusias pada punya prokad lokal brand kanky dan infokan ke saya sepatunya murah, bagus dan enak di pakai.Saya juga tau Lokal product ini sudah berkolaborasi sama international name. seperti SAbotage, Jeff Staple. saya akan review sepatu ini dan kasih pendapat saya yang natural dan tidak bias.  
 click lebih lanjut untuk full documentationnya.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

This article is a review article for the Kanky x Never Too Lavish shoes- The Prism of Zodiac color SAGITTARIUS. To be honest, I've only heard of the Kanky brand photo booth at events like JSD and USS, but never looked into it. All I know is that Kanky is a local brand and there are several children under my age who run the brand. This is the first shoe of this brand that I got from yesterday's press release event. there were 2 color and i got this one.
I know sneaker friends who are enthusiastic about having local Kanky brand promotions and informed me that the shoes are cheap, good and comfortable to wear. I also know that this local product has collaborated with international names. like SAbotage, Jeff Staple. I will review these shoes and give my natural and unbiased opinion.

 Click further for full documentation.
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Special Thanks : Kanky team and Oni for giving me the shoes !

Saturday, 25 January 2025


Location :   ,Jakararta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Di Episode Delapan, kita  meneruskan diskusi sama collector Adidas dan Nike tergila di Indonesia , Bung Pedro.collection dia sangat banyak, bisa di bilang 1000an lebih sepatu di display di kediaman dia.
di Episode 04 ini , part 1 dari beberapa video walk true.
so check it out  interview talknya ! 

SPECIAL THANKS: Bro Pedro for giving access to your main cave and interview

In the Eight episode, we continue discuss with the craziest Adidas and Nike collector in Indonesia, Bung Pedro.His collections are very large that it cover his whole pent house walls &  include his toilets , you could say that there are more than 1000 shoes on display at his residence.
so check out Episode 04, part 1 of several walk-true  of his collection videos.

SPECIAL THANKS: Bro Pedro for giving access to your main cave and interview

Friday, 24 January 2025



Location : Como Park, Kemang, Jakarta 

Bahasa Indonesia
Saya di undang untuk menghadiri acara Locak brand sneakers " Kanky " berkolaborasi dengan " Never Too Lavish ". Acara di adakan di Commond Ground,di Como Park. Untungnya deket dari rumah, jadi saya bisa jalan dari rumah (5 menit). Pas saya hadir, saya on time dan tidak taunya acara masih menunggu para tamu untuk hadir aka kepagian. heahaehaehae
Acara ini, adalah untuk menunjukan early viewing kepada media. jadi sepatu ini belom release ke public. Colaborasi ini ada 2 silouete yang di design dengan Never Too Lavish, dan kita tau sendiri , NTL adalah studio creative anaka2 art yang punya telent dalam ngak cuma mengambar dengan media , tapi juga jago customize sepatu. sering sekali mereka mengikuti acara event dan menunjukan kemahiran mereka.concept kali ini keren menurut saya , Kany x NTL mengeluarkan dua warnanya, dan ideanya adalah merepresent Siang dan Malam. tadi para tamu juga di informasikan, sekarang Kanky tidak taunya punya 7 pilar, dimana buat bercolaborasi kali ini , di layer classic, yang memegang pilar classic ini adalah  teman kita,Angga.
di Kursi perkenalan , ada Abeng dari NTL, Angga head of Kanky Classic dan ada juga keliatanya Head of Marketing / PR dari Kanki juga. 
acaranya seru, tamu di sajikan makanan + minuman dan di tunjukan + informasikan mengenai product yang akan release tersebut, dari design dan material yang mereka makai + berapa banyak pair , kana release bagaimana etc.ada juga selain sepatu, rompi yang mereka design dengan tema color yang sama . setelah acara perkenalan itu ada sesi tanya jawab . saya liat banyak media dan teman teman sneakers yang hadir mensupport acara tersebut dan menurut saya acara media previewingnya sangat suksess.    
 click lebih lanjut untuk full documentationnya.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

I was invited to attend the Locak sneaker brand event "Kanky" in collaboration with "Never Too Lavish". The event was held on Common Ground, in Como Park. Luckily it's close to home, so I can walk from home (5 minutes). When I attended, I was on time and what I didn't know was that the event was still waiting for guests to attend, aka it was early in the morning. heahaehaehae
This event is to show early viewing to the media. So these shoes haven't been released to the public yet. This collaboration includes 2 silhouettes designed with Never Too Lavish, and as we know, NTL is a creative art studio that is talented in not only drawing with media, but also good at customizing shoes. They often take part in events and show their skills. In my opinion, the concept this time is cool, Kany x NTL released two colors, and the idea is to represent Day and Night. Previously the guests were also informed, now Kanky didn't know he had 7 pillars, where to collaborate this time, on the classic layer, the one holding this classic pillar is our friend, Angga.
In the introductory chair, there is Abeng from NTL, Angga, head of Kanky Classic and there is also apparently the Head of Marketing / PR from Kanki too. 
The event was exciting, guests were served food + drinks and were shown + informed about the product that would be released, the design and material they used + how many pairs, how it was released, etc. Apart from shoes, there were also vests that they designed with color themes. the same one . After the introduction event there was a question and answer session. I saw that many media and sneaker friends were there to support the event and in my opinion the media previewing event was very successful.

 Click further for full documentation.
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

SPECIAL THANKS : Oni for inviting me to attend this event , allowing me to document the event and not only that, i got given a shoe for me to review it ! thanks brother for your kind gesture . deeply appreciated. stay tune guys for my review ok !

Thursday, 23 January 2025



Bahasa Indonesia
Lanjutkan latihan, ini adalah PART 02 merancang konsep dan melakukan lebih banyak ilustrasi pada kendaraan nike ACG. kali ini saya ilustrasikan dari tampilan samping, bukan dari tampilan depan.

check out step by step cara saya membuat concept art illustrationnya  . 
Semoga kalian suka designnya 
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

Continue the excercise, designing concepts and do more illustration on the vehicle nike ACG. this time i illustrate on from the side view, instead of the front view. 

Check out step by step how I made the concept art illustration   
Hope you like the design 
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )

NOTE: I dont work for Nike, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Tuesday, 21 January 2025



Bahasa Indonesia
Inilah satu lagi hasil Kreatif dari Otak saya, Menjelajahi konsep desain dan memadukan sneakers dengan otomotif. Saya terinspirasi oleh sebuah foto di media sosial, dimana ada mobil tertentu di elemennya (outdoor). 
Kendaraan yang saya bicarakan adalah Land Rover Defender. ia memiliki citra yang tangguh dan terbuka. dan saya akan menggabungkannya dengan sub-line merek Nike. Saya suka ACG (All Condition Gear), konsep apparel yang fungsional, tema outdoor look dan teknologi yang berfungsi adalah nilai jual yang bagus menurut saya sama seperti mobil yang saya bicarakan.
Saya akan memvisualisasikan ilustrasi konsep, jika kedua merek berkumpul dan berkolaborasi untuk aktivasi lini ACG atau Land Rover. saya tahu beberapa merek telah melakukan apa yang saya visualisasikan. menempelkan stiker pada mobil tertentu dan memarkirnya di depan toko agar orang dapat berfoto. kalian akan liat saya mengambar dengan adobe illustration , dan saya akan menunjukan step by step saya mentackle concept illustration ini.

check out step by step cara saya membuat concept art illustrationnya  . 
Semoga kalian suka designnya 
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

Here is another Creative outcome from my Brain, Exploring concept design and mixing sneakers with motoring. i was inspired by a photo on social media and a friend of mine who does off-roading, where a certain car are in its element (outdoor). 
The vehicle i was talking about is Land Rover Defender. it has this image of tough and outdoor. and im going to combine it with the sub-line of Nike brand. i love the ACG (All Condition Gear), the concept of apparel with function, the theme outdoor look and the technology with function is a good selling point in my opinion just like the car i was talking about.
im gonna visualize a concept illustration, if the 2 brand come togather and colaborated for an activation of the ACG line or the Land Rover. i know a few brand had done what i was visualizing . stickering certain cars and park them infront of a store for people to take pictures with.  You will see me drawing with Adobe Illustration, and I will show you step by step how I tackled this concept illustration. 

Check out step by step how I made the concept art illustration   
Hope you like the design 
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )

NOTE: I dont work for Nike, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Friday, 17 January 2025

IF I EVER DESIGN : Behind the seen concept artwork Nike ACG

IF I EVER DESIGN : Behind the seen  concept artwork Nike ACG

Bahasa Indonesia
Sedikit Behind the Scene, Selagi saya sedang belajar mengambar dalam illustrator , saya akan design concept art lagi.kali ini kalian sudah tau saya suka sekali Nike sub-line ACG( All Condition Gear ). 
Saya pikir Concept Art bertema outdoor akan keren, saya berpikir platform kali ini agak beda, saya akan design graphic di mobil Land Rover. mobil tersebut sangat cocok dengan image ACG. dimana mobil tersebut sudah ada history dan terbukti buat outdoor para tracker, selalu memakai mobil tersebut sebagai vehicle mereka.
Semoga kalian suka design saya 
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

A little Behind the Scene, While I'm learning to draw in Illustrator, I'm going to design concept art again. This time you already know I really like the Nike sub-line ACG (All Condition Gear). 
I think outdoor themed Concept Art will be cool, I think the platform this time is a bit different, I will design graphics on a Land Rover car. the car really fits ACG's image. where the car already has a history and has been proven to be an outdoor tracker, always using the car as their vehicle.
Hope you like my design and ideas
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )

NOTE: I dont work for Nike, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. So, Dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime 



DAY : 16.01.2025

Bahasa Indonesia
BTS photos Ceramix studio, Photo + Video 
Shooting di 2025 pertama , team Ceramix Studio kembali memulai. acara hari ini kita padat, karena kita harus ambil 3 video. 
video pertama, meneruskan shooting top 5 dari sisi Videographer kita Okky, supaya complit.
vedeo kedua , kita terus shooting bersama tamu, Jimmy , dia adalah kolektor sneakers Nike Dunk dan AF1. 
terakhir kita shooting buat update dan nunujukin apa aja yang kita beli di 2024.
setelah shooting selesai kita biasa, makan snack di akhir, nyebrang ke Ny Kamto, restaurant Mpek Mpek yang sangat lezat. Tidak taunya di sambut sama Vitra di sana, dan  kita semua ngobrol- ngobrol sampai malam. 

 click lebih lanjut untuk full documentationnya.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

BTS photos Ceramix studio, Photo + Video 
Shooting in 2025, the Ceramix Studio team is starting again. Today's program is busy, because we have to take 3 videos. 
First video, continuing the top 5 shooting from our videographer Okky, so it's complete.
Second video, we continue shooting with guest, Jimmy, he is a collector of Nike Dunk and AF1 sneakers. 
Finally, we shot for an update and showed what we bought in 2024.
After the shooting was finished we had our usual snacks at the end and crossed over to Ny Kamto, Mpek Mpek restaurant which was very delicious. Unexpectedly, Vitra was welcomed there, and we all chatted until the evening.

 Click further for full documentation.
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Special thanks to : Jimmy for giving your knowledge and time and bringing crazy heat from your collections for us to disect.

Thursday, 16 January 2025



Bahasa Indonesia
Selagi saya sedang membuat beberapa karya seni mesin penjual otomatis, saya sedang berbicara dengan seseorang dan dari percakapan itu, saya membuat ini dengan merek berbeda yang ditempelkan pada ilustrasi mesin penjual otomatis tersebut. Menurut saya, ini terlihat bagus dari segi desain dan apa pun mereknya, pasti menarik.
Semoga kalian suka design saya 
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

As i was doing some Vending machine artwork, i was talking to someone and from that conversation, i made this with a different brand attached to the vending machine illustration. In my opinion, this looks good on the design and what ever the brand it is, it will be intresting.   

Hope you like my design and ideas
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )

NOTE: I dont work for the brand, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. So, Dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. if Asics like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime



Tuesday, 14 January 2025



Bahasa Indonesia
  Ini adalah konsep PART 02 yang saya bicarakan. Jika saya tunjukkan langsung dengan tema SB di PART 01, tidak akan mendapatkan efek penuh dari ide saya.aka : melempem.
 ilustrasi vending macine sebenarnya untuk ide konsep saya meng enterpretasikan idea aktivasi Nike SB. untuk Merayakan pencapaian tertentu, Nike akan memproduksi dek tersebut dan menjualnya dalam jumlah terbatas bersenandug dengan sepatu releasan tertentu.seperti halnya sepatu dimana SB selalu "SOLD OUT " dan memiliki aktivasi yang selalu dipikirin dan bagus. Menurut saya, ide konsep saya ini bisa dijadikan sebagai aktivasi yang keren. 
bilamana ada activasi tertentu, pemenang bisa ambil dari vending machine di dalem toko dengan code menang mereka ( yang sudah terbukti menang dan size sepatu mereka). dan abis itu bisa tambah dikit lagi deck dengan printed illustration Nike SB Box Theme.

Semoga kalian suka design saya 
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

This is the PART 02 concept I'm talking about. If I show it directly with the SB theme in PART 01, it won't get the full effect of my idea.aka: sluggish.
 the actual vending machine illustration was for my concept idea to interpret the Nike SB activation idea. To celebrate certain milestones, Nike will produce the deck and sell it in limited quantities along with certain shoe releases. Just like SB shoes are always "SOLD OUT" and have activations that are always thought out and great. In my opinion, my concept idea could be used as a cool activation. 
If there is a certain activation, the winner can take it from the vending machine inside the store with their winning code (which has been proven to win and their shoe size). and after that you can add a little more deck with a printed illustration of the Nike SB Box Theme.  
Hope you like my design and ideas
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )

NOTE: I dont work for Nike, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. So, Dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Monday, 13 January 2025


Location : Jakararta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Di Episode ke7, meneruskan Top 5 di Ceramix Studio, saya sebagai host menunjukan 5 best in my collection. host yang lain - lain sudah melakukanya, jadi ini adalah waktunya saya.

Saya break down top 5

5. AdidasMicropacer Buck 
4.  Adidas Micropacer Stealth
3. Adidas Micropacer Hemper
2. Nike Marsyard Overshoes
1. Adidas Micropacer " OG " 1984.
so check it out my interview talk 5 from my collections ! 

SPECIAL THANKS: Dimas Indro , Pandu Polo , Okky for documenting my top 5 for ceramix

In Episode 7, continuing the Top 5 at Ceramix Studio, I as the host show the 5 best in my collection. Other hosts have already done it, so it's my time.

My break down of top 5

5. AdidasMicropacer Buck 
4.  Adidas Micropacer Stealth
3. Adidas Micropacer Hemper
2. Nike Marsyard Overshoes
1. Adidas Micropacer " OG " 1984.

so check it out the interview!

DOCUMENTATION : Indonesia Sneaker Team - 2025 january Meet up

DOCUMENTATION : Indonesia Sneaker Team - 2025 january Meet up 

Location : Plasa Senayan, Jakarta 

Bahasa Indonesia
Sedikit photo ph
oto yang saya ambil pas kemarin ada acara IST meet up di january 2025.
IST, kepanjangan dari Indonesia Sneaker Team. mereka adalah comunitas sneakers se-Indonesia untuk mewadahi pecinta Sneakers. setiap tahun mereka mengadakan gathering kecil untuk silaturahmi, kadang 1 , 2 atau lebih . banyak orang - orang hadir untuk mensupport tiap tahun datang , ngobrol ngobrol dan kadang bawa collection mereka untuk berdiskusi or trade. tahun ini di adakan di Plasa Senayan area pepohonan garden dan air mancur. acaranya simple, bersilaturahmi dan biasanya di ending pergi dan check store yang ada di PS.
acara seru dan semoga IST di 2025 makin success,  karena platform communitas seperti ini harus di support...
 click lebih lanjut untuk full documentationnya.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

A few photos that I took yesterday at the IST meet up event in January 2025.
IST, stands for Indonesia Sneaker Team. They are a sneaker community throughout Indonesia to accommodate sneaker lovers. Every year they hold a small gathering for friendship, sometimes 1, 2 or more. Many people come to support each year, chat and sometimes bring their collections to discuss or trade. This year it was held at Plaza Senayan in the area with garden trees and fountains. The event is simple, stay in touch and usually ends with going and checking out the store at PS.
exciting event and hopefully IST in 2025 will be even more successful, because community platforms like this must be supported...

 Click further for full documentation.
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Friday, 10 January 2025



Bahasa Indonesia
Excercise Concept sketch kali ini, gue berpikir dengan idea yang sangat berbeda.

saya sudah tau mau outcome arahnya kemana di PART 02 dari tema IF I EVER DESIGN : CONCEPT DESIGN VENDING MACHINE SWOOSH .Sebelom menunjukan outcomenya, saya harus mulai  dengan titik 0 / concept awal, gambar bentuk. untuk menunjukan cooncept activation yang sangat keren, yang ada di pikiran saya. 
kalian tau , saya dulu mengerjakan retail store, dari influence mereka untuk datang dan invest di indonesia, bantu mandorin design interior store, bikin team, bantu jualan, bantu web, bantu bawa VIP , bantu  web orders dan bantu system, intinya "semua " deh. ngak cuma itu banyak sekali concept activation yang ada di pikiran saya untuk brand supaya bisa activasi brand mereka meng-edukasi followers - follower / Customer mereka. dangambar subject kali ini, menurut saya adalah symbol merepresentasikan masa saya di retail.

saya memulai dengan design  " Vendiing Machine ". bilamana anda bertanya kenapa machine Vending. saya berpikir, concept retail yang sangat lucu dan bisa di bilang sangat bagus. mechine tersebut bekerja automatic, tanpa harus ada orang. Bisa jualan 24jam, dan concept supply dan deman dengan cara yang sangat keren dan modern. Banyak brand sudah mikir dan bikin activasi dengan vending machine. jualan sepatu atau accessories mereka.  tetapi concept yang ada di pikiran saya menurut saya akan berbeda.

Di PART 01, saya  harus mendesign gambar dan menguliti subjek mesin penjual otomatis dengan tema kotak Nike. Jika anda bisa lihat, terdapat jenis sepatu pada area pembayaran mekanis, untuk mewakili sepatu yang ada di dalam kotak sepatu dengan ukuran yang ada di dalam mesin. Aktivasi yang saya bicarakan bisa jadi, jika Anda memenangkan sepatu dalam undian, Anda harus pergi ke toko, menambahkan kode pin Anda, lalu membayar!, mesin penjual otomatis akan menjatuhkan ukuran yang Anda pesan secara otomatis dan kemudian Anda bisa ambil itu itu. tentu saja mesin penjual otomatis harus ada di toko untuk tujuan keamanan.

check out step by step cara saya membuat concept art illustrationnya  . 
Semoga kalian suka designnya 
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

Exercise Concept sketch this time, I thought with a very different idea.

I already know where the outcome will lead in PART 02 of the theme IF I EVER DESIGN: CONCEPT DESIGN VENDING MACHINE SWOOSH. Before showing the outcome, I have to start from point 0 / initial concept, draw the shape. to show a very cool concept activation that I have in mind. 
You know, I used to work on retail stores, from their influence to come and invest in Indonesia, helping the foreman to design the interior of the store, building a team, helping with sales, helping with the website, helping to bring in VIPs, helping with web orders and helping with the system, basically "everything" right? . Not only that, there are lots of activation concepts that I have in mind for brands so that they can activate their brands by educating their followers / customers. and the subject image this time, in my opinion, is a symbol representing my time in retail.

I started with the "Vendiing Machine" design. when you ask why Vending machines. I think, the retail concept is very funny and can be said to be very good. The machine works automatically, without the need for people. Can sell 24 hours, and supply and demand concepts in a very cool and modern way. Many brands have thought about and created activations with vending machines. selling their shoes or accessories.  but I think the concept in my mind will be different.

In PART 01, I have to design from skretch and skinned the subject matter the vending machine with a Nike box. If you can see, there is a shoe type in the mechanical payment area, to represent  the shoe in a shoe box with size that are inside the machine. The activation i was talking about could be, if you win the shoe in a raffle, you have to go to the store, add your pin code , then pay !, the vending machine will drop the size you order automaticly and then you can grab it. of course the vending machine sould be in the store for safety purposes.

Check out step by step how I made the concept art illustration   
Hope you like the design 
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )

NOTE: I dont work for Nike, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Thursday, 9 January 2025

IF I EVER DESIGN : NIKE Sticker Concept for Indonesia

IF I EVER DESIGN : NIKE Sticker Concept for Indonesia 

Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan tema " IF I EVER DESIGN : ", kemarin saya membuat concept design baju yang merepresent bilamana ada Nike Lab hadir di Indonesia. Dari situlah saya mengembangkan lebih lagi, gimic apa yang orang2 Indonesia suka sebagai novelty items yang cocok, buat di kasih atau beli.
Kali ini saya pikir untuk membuat Stickers. banyak orang di masa saya kerja di Retail store, sangat suka dan kadang nanya " Ada stickers buat di kasih / give away ngak ? " kalo ada gue mau dong.
Di design excercise kali ini saya berpikir lama, kira- kira apa yeah yang sangat cocok untuk merepresent Indonesia. pertama saya pikir, binatang, tetapi menurut saya bisa di bilang terlalu biasa. dan kalo orang ngak ngerti , akan anggap  sticker binatang gambar binatang aja, tanpa embel2 yang padet menunjukan Indonesia. saya juga berpikir tema- tema lain, seperti makanan, batik ,dll. masih agak sedikit specific. Pas saya lagi liat photo2 di Blog , saya berpikir kenapa tidak monas Saja, dimana  kemarin saya jalan dari rumah ke Monas dan balik lagi ke rumah. Monas adalah Monumet yang sangat merepresentasikan apa itu Indonesia, dan bukan cuma Jakarta.

Inillah journey saya mendesign sticker dengan tema Nike dan monument Monas.
Semoga kalian suka design saya 
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

Continuing the theme "IF I EVER DESIGN:", yesterday I made a concept design for clothes that represent when Nike Lab was present in Indonesia. From there I developed further, what gimmicks Indonesian people like as suitable novelty items to give or buy.
This time I thought about making Stickers. Many people when I worked at a retail store really liked it and sometimes asked, "Are there any stickers to give/give away?" If there were, I would like them.
In this design exercise, I thought for a long time about what would be most suitable to represent Indonesia. At first I thought, animals, but in my opinion you could say it's too ordinary. and if people don't understand, they will think that animal stickers are just pictures of animals, without any fancy frills that show Indonesia. I also think about other themes, such as food, batik, etc. still a bit specific. When I was looking at the photos on the blog, I thought why not just Monas, where yesterday I walked from home to Monas and back home. Monas is a monument that really represents what Indonesia is, and not just Jakarta.

This is my journey in designing stickers with Nike themes and the Monas monument.
Hope you like my design 
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )

*NOTE: I dont work for Nike or their agency Studio, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. So dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork.. Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

CERAMIX STUDIO BTS - DAY : 16 nov 2024


DAY :  16 Nov 2024

Bahasa Indonesia
BTS photos Ceramix studio, Photo + Video 
hari ini schedule sangat padat. dari pagi kita di undang ke acara opening store New Balance. 
review sepatu di FootLocker, dan sorenya kita video buat Collectors, the first debute  adalah Bro Pedro dengan koleksi sepatunya.  !

 click lebih lanjut untuk full documentationnya.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

BTS photos Ceramix studio, Photo + Video 
Today's schedule is very busy. From this morning we were invited to the New Balance store opening event. 
shoe review at FootLocker, and in the afternoon we did a video for Collectors, the first debute was Bro Pedro with his shoe collection.  !

 Click further for full documentation.
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Special thanks to : Team New Balance + Reggi for invitingus to the store opening, Team Foot Locker + Vitra for the Nike C1ty review,  Bro Pedro for allowing us to come to your house and document your collections.

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

IF I EVER DESIGN : Concept T-shirt Nike Indonesia / Jakarta

IF I EVER DESIGN : Concept T-shirt Nike Indonesia / Jakarta 

Bahasa Indonesia
Salah satu mimpi kedua saya, setelah mimpi pertama kejadian( brand Internatinal masuk ke indonesia dan saya part of the project).  Mimpi kedua saya, " Nike LAB " ada di Indnesia dan be part of the project.
.Indonesia cinta dengan brand Nike dan bisa di bilang sampai sekarang brand yang sangat orang semua mau adalah Nike. dari orang tua sampai anak2 jaman sekarang, bilamana ada kolaborasi, pasti tau dan mau sepatu- sepatu nike dengan releasannya.
" IF I EVER DESIGN " kali ini saya berkreasi dan memulai  dengan concept, bilamana ada Nike Lab di Indonesia / Jakarta. Saya  akan explore / bikin concept design Graphic design  dengan tema buat peluncuran baju pertama dengan tema release di negara tersebut.
Orang - orang Indonesia sangat suka novelti items. apa lagi kalau ada tema Negaranya dan di bikin Limited. karena bisa di jadikan kebanggan atau komoditas.  Design - design ini adalah design concept. bukan benar dan bukan untuk jualan.  Ini design dari akal pikiran creative saya. mendesign adalah salah satu passion dan saya suka sneakers. follower iam-ran tau , saya  sering sekali lagi focus belajar untuk design ddengan illustrator dengan bertema. Saya akan bikin cocept Tshirt  Indonesia / Jakarta sebagai subject project design.
Semoga kalian suka design saya 
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

One of my second dreams, after the first dream happened (the International brand entered Indonesia and I was part of the project).  My second dream, "Nike LAB" is in Indonesia and be part of the project.
Indonesia loves the Nike brand and it can be said that until now the brand that everyone really wants is Nike. From parents to today's children, whenever there is a collaboration, they definitely know and want Nike shoes with the release.
"IF I EVER DESIGN" this time I was creative and started with a concept, if there was a Nike Lab in Indonesia / Jakarta. I will explore / create a graphic design concept with a theme for the first clothing launch with a release theme in that country.
Indonesian people really like novelty items. What's more if it has a country theme and makes it limited. because it can be made into pride or a commodity.  These designs are concept designs. not true and not for sale.  This is a design from my creative mind. Designing is a passion and I like sneakers. Iam-ran followers know, I often focus on learning to design using an illustrator with a theme. I will create an Indonesian / Jakarta Tshirt concept as the subject of the design project.
Hope you like my design 
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )

NOTE: I dont work for Nike, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Sunday, 5 January 2025


Location :   ,Jakararta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Di Episode ke6, meneruskan berdiskusi sama collector Adidas dan Nike tergila di Indonesia , Bung Pedro. Part 2 - meneruskan collection dia yang gila gila. bisa di bilang 1000an lebih sepatu di display di kediaman dia (video walk true).

so check it out  interview talknya ! 

SPECIAL THANKS: Bro Pedro for giving access to your main cave and interview

In Episode 6, continuing the discussion with the craziest Adidas and Nike collector in Indonesia, Bung Pedro. Part 2 - continuing his crazy collection. It could be said that more than 1000 shoes are on display at his residence (video walk true).

so check it out the interview talk!

SPECIAL THANKS: Bro Pedro for giving access to your main cave and interview

Saturday, 4 January 2025

IF I EVER DESIGN : Iam-Ran as a Cartoon Character

Bahasa Indonesia
Setelah saya belajar Banyak mengenai Illustrator, saya pikir- pikir, kali ini waktunya saya coba design character untuk merepresent saya. salah satu tema of referensi adalah Nike "Hike " character. 
menurut saya gambar characer tersebut sangat simple dan bertema. jadi saya ambil sedikit referensi dari gambar tersebut, kalian juga bisa liat kunci character saya, harus ada tema sayanya juga. seperti kamera, sebagai dokumenter saya selalu bawa barang tersebut untuk mengcapture scene. setelah itu, ada tema Tom Sachs. saya pengemar artist tersebut. makanya saya masukan GPS. Saya juga suka baru tema gorp core, karena function apparel ada. baju Nike ACG jadi  harus masuk di tema design.

saya akan break down step by step design  
Semoga kalian suka design saya 
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

After I learned a lot about Illustrator, I thought, this time it's time for me to try designing a character to represent me. one of the themes of reference is the Nike "Hike" character. 
In my opinion, the characer image is very simple and themed. So I took a little reference from the picture, you can also see my character key, there must be a theme too. like a camera, as a documentarian I always carry this item to capture scenes. after that, there's the Tom Sachs theme. I am a fan of this artist. that's why I entered GPS. I also like the new Gorp Core theme, because there is function apparel. Nike ACG clothes must be included in the design theme.

I will break down the design step by step  
Hope you like my design 
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )

NOTE: i dont work for Nike or Tom Sachs Studio, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Thursday, 2 January 2025



Location : Panglima Polim, Jakarta 

Bahasa Indonesia
Saya diajak Bro Nino untuk melihat acaranya yaitu Grage Sale di kawasan Panglima Polim. 
Di minggu terakhir tahun 2024 ini banyak sekali event seperti ini yang diadakan di sekitar Jakarta Selatan dan jika kamu pergi ke sana kamu bisa menemukan barang-barang murah dan permata dari brand luar negeri.
Saya datang ke acara ini pada sore hari. sekitar jam 4 dan diamlah selama 1 setengah jam untuk mengabadikan peristiwa tersebut. Aku benar-benar meremehkan acara ini, aku tidak tahu kalau nanti makin sibuk. dan sayangnya baterai kamera saya habis dan tidak bisa mengabadikan banyak adegan di acara ini.
banyak barang aneh dan bagus dan suasananya menyenangkan, ada area bar + DJ booth, kursi untuk tempat nongkrong dan yang paling penting, suasana asiknya menyenangkan.
Saya melihat banyak orang membeli dan saya melihat para pecinta sneaker sudah lama datang dan berjejaring di acara ini.

 click lebih lanjut untuk full documentationnya.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

I was invited by Bro Nino to check out his event, Grage Sale, in the Panglima Polim area. 
In the last week of 2024, lots of events like this will be held around South Jakarta and if you go, you can find cheap goods and gems from foreign brands.
I came to this event in the afternoon. around 4 o'clock and stay around for 1 hour and a half to capture the event. I really under estimated this event, I didn't know that the later it got, the busier it got. and unfortunately my camera battery ran out and couldn't capture many scenes at this event.
lots of weird and good stuff and the vibe is fun, there is a bar area + DJ booth, chairs for people to hang out and over all, the cool vibe is fun.
i see many people buying and i see sneaker enthusiasts that have been a while come and networking in this event.
 Click further for full documentation.
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Special thanks to Bro Nino aka Just Noy, for inviting me to attend the event.