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Saya percaya teorinya, kalau tidak rusak tidak perlu diperbaiki. AF-1 merupakan sepatu yang bisa dikatakan memiliki sejarah dan dukungan aliran sesat, salah satu siluet kuat yang sering digunakan untuk kolaborasi dan aktivasi platform. Sedikit sejarah di balik AF-1, Dirancang oleh Bruce Kilgore dan diperkenalkan pada tahun 1982, Nike Air Force 1 adalah sepatu basket pertama yang menampilkan teknologi Nike Air
Menurut saya, bentuk AF-1 memang didesain untuk pasar Amerika. di mana semuanya dibuat tebal dan tebal. Bukan untuk meremehkan master Bruce, ia memiliki sejarah yang indah, tetapi saya percaya bentuk lamanya kuat dan telah teruji oleh waktu, tetapi saya hanya memberikan perspektif lain dan konsep evolusi yang lain. Saya melihatnya perlu berevolusi, dengan desainnya, saya merasa pasar sepatu lain akan berpikir dua kali untuk membeli/memakainya karena proporsi tubuhnya kurang memadai. Sepatu chunky biasanya cocok untuk yang berbadan besar, berbadan lebar dan tinggi. Itu sebabnya sepatu AF1 diperuntukkan bagi tubuh orang Amerika. Dari pemikiran tersebut, saya memikirkan konsep mendesain ulang AF1 dengan bentuk yang lebih tajam di bagian atas dan datar di bagian midsole.
check out step by step cara saya membuat concept art illustrationnya .
Semoga kalian suka designnya
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )
I believe in the theory, if it's not broken, there's no need to fix it. AF-1 is a shoe that can be said to have a history and cult support, one of the strong silhouettes that is often used for platform collabs and activations. A little history behind the AF-1, Designed by Bruce Kilgore and introduced in 1982, the Nike Air Force 1 was the first basketball shoe to feature Nike Air technology
In my opinion, the AF-1 shape is really designed for the American market. where everything is made chunky and thick.Not to diss the master Bruce, it has beautiful history, but i believe the old shape is strong and had been true test of time, but im just giving another perspective and other concept of evolution. i see it need to evolve, with the design, I feel that other markets for wearing the shoes will think twice about buying/wearing them because the body proportions are not adequate. Chunky shoes are usually suitable for large bodies, wide and tall bodies. That's why the AF1 shoes are scaled for American bodies. From these thoughts, I thought of the concept of re-designing the AF1 with a sharper shape on the upper and flatter on the midsoles.
Check out step by step how I made the concept art illustration
Hope you like the design
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )
NOTE: I dont work for Nike, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you guys can contact me anytime

Saya ngambar ulang Nike AF-1 Original shape untuk nanti menunjukan perbedaan dengan design saya.
AF-1 memang punya bentuk yang terlihat kokoh dan kuat. Orang-orang sudah tau bahwa sepatu ini mempunya basic dan harga yang bisa di bilang base point buat geberal reease (white on white), bisa di bilang stabil buat nike lovers.
I redrawn the Nike AF-1 Original shape to later show the differences with my design.The AF-1 does have a shape that looks sturdy and strong. People already know that these shoes have basics and a price that can be said to be the base point for general retailers (white on white), which can be said to be stable for Nike lovers.
I redrawn the Nike AF-1 Original shape to later show the differences with my design.The AF-1 does have a shape that looks sturdy and strong. People already know that these shoes have basics and a price that can be said to be the base point for general retailers (white on white), which can be said to be stable for Nike lovers.
Ini adalah Design saya. Menurut saya, design saya masih mempunyai unsur AF-1, tapi ada beberapa perubahan kecil yang bisa di bilang merubah shape AF-1 original shape menjadi lebih sharp and premium dan bisa juga mengangkat price point atau brand tersebut menjadi lebih tinggi dan premium.
satu design aspect yang saya pikir dan rubah adalah material leather yang lebih premium dan tidak memakai lining or padding. lebih untuk mendapatkan shape tersebut.saya dapet concept ini karena saya mempunyai dua sepatu yang bener2 leather making bagus, 1.Henderscheme, dan menurut saya sangat bagus tanpa padding atau lining di sepatu mereka. saya juga berpikir leather semakin di pakai akan makin stretch dan ber-character. jadi akan lebih keren dan bagus.yang kedua adalah brand Adidas dengan silhouette Stan Smith lea socks ! menurut saya sangat bagus product tersebut. simple dan simple!.
Design kedua yang saya ganti adalah tebelnya midsole sepatu. Sepatu AF-1 original terkenal dengan cushion yang bisa di bilang tebal dan tinggi. saya juga tau di dalam sepatu tersebut ada cushionning yang tebal untuk comfort. sekarang dengan technology baru seperti foam cushion, bisa mendapatkan cussion yang sama comfortable itu dengan ketebelan yang lebih tipis !. jadi design midsole menurut saya di pendekan. Dengan memperpendek, akan terlihat lebih premium dan lebih lifestyle.Design aspect terakhir yang saya ubah adalah upper design dengan cuttingan leather yang berbeda. shape sepatu sangat mengaruh every millimeter, karena kalo kepanjangan atau angle sedikit berubah, bilamana di tarik akan snagat mengubah bentuk sepatunya.
This is my design. In my opinion, my design still has AF-1 elements, but there are several small changes that can be said to change the original AF-1 shape to be sharper and more premium and can also raise the price point or brand to be higher and more premium.
One design aspect that I thought about and changed was a more premium leather material and no lining or padding. more to get that shape. I got this concept because I have two shoes that really make good leather, 1.Henderscheme, and in my opinion they are very good without padding or lining on their shoes. I also think that the more leather is used, the more stretchy and characterful it becomes. so it will be cooler and better. The second is the Adidas brand with the Stan Smith Lea socks silhouette! I think this product is very good. simple and simple!.
The second design that I changed was the thickness of the shoe midsole. The original AF-1 shoes are famous for their cushion which can be said to be thick and high. I also know that inside these shoes there is thick cushioning for comfort. Now with new technology such as foam cushions, you can get the same comfortable cushion with a thinner thickness! So in my opinion the midsole design is shortened. By shortening it, it will look more premium and more lifestyle. The last design aspect that I changed was the upper design with a different cut of leather. The shape of the shoe really affects every millimeter, because if the length or angle changes slightly, when you pull it it will really change the shape of the shoe.
Bahasa Indonesia
Di gambar ini , saya mau mencoba menunjukan perubahan dari sepatu AF-1 yang saya ubah dari original shape. Dari tinggi sepatu saya ambil beberapa Millimeter di midsole untuk membentuk shape sepatu lebih ramping dan lancip di salam sekala sepatunya. seperti saya design furniture, lebihh ramping dan feminin anak terlihat lebih cantik. Kalian bisa lihat juga design saya lebih sharp angle sepatunya dari toe point naik ke atas tongue area. Sepatu ini akan lebih cantik dan aestheticly pleasing in the eyes. dalam concept design ini saya basic kan design dengan skala. shapeleather di toe area juga saya ubah shapenya lebih rounding dan tidak edgy dan kaku.Di factor belakang, karena shape di ubah, ankle and back area jadi lebih straight dan tidak dengan angle yang seperti biasa., bagian ini bisa di bikin or tambahkan padding dikit untuk me lock kaki supaya tidak lari lari.
In this picture, I want to try to show the changes in the AF-1 shoes which I changed from the original shape. From the height of the shoe, I took a few millimeters in the midsole to form a slimmer and sharper shoe shape at the height of the shoe. Like my furniture design, the slimmer and more feminine the child looks prettier. You can also see that my design has a sharper angle on the shoe from the toe point to the top of the tongue area. These shoes will be more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. In this concept design, I basically design with scale. I also changed the shape of the leather in the toe area, the shape is more rounded and not edgy and stiff. On the back, because the shape has been changed, the ankle and back areas are straighter and not at the usual angle. This part can be made or add a little padding. to lock your legs so you feet don't slip away.
Bahasa Indonesia
Berikut tampilannya, perubahannya. Saya menempatkan keduanya desain satu di atas yang lain, saya mengambil desain asli dan menurunkan opacity, sehingga Anda dapat melihat perubahannya., kedua desain sejajar di dasar dan Anda dapat melihat perbedaan ketinggian dan perubahannya di antara 2 sepatu.
Heres a view, the changes. I put both of them design one on top of the others, i took the original design and took the opacity down, so you can see the changes., both design are line up at the base and you can see the height differentces and the changes between the 2 shoes.
Bahasa Indonesia
Ini tampilan lainnya, saya letakkan keduanya bersamaan pada garis midsole (garis tengah), terlihat berapa banyak yang saya keluarkan dari midsole dan perubahan bentuknya, terlihat jelas pada tampilan ini. dengan desain baru, penempatan swoosh harus dibentuk ulang dan ditempatkan.
Here is another view, I put both togather on the midsole line ( center line), you can see how much i took out from the midsole and the changes of the shape, can be seen clearly in this view. with the new design, the placement of the swoosh had to be reshape and placed.
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