Bahasa Indonesia
Excercise Concept sketch kali ini, gue berpikir dengan idea yang sangat berbeda.
saya sudah tau mau outcome arahnya kemana di PART 02 dari tema IF I EVER DESIGN : CONCEPT DESIGN VENDING MACHINE SWOOSH .Sebelom menunjukan outcomenya, saya harus mulai dengan titik 0 / concept awal, gambar bentuk. untuk menunjukan cooncept activation yang sangat keren, yang ada di pikiran saya.
kalian tau , saya dulu mengerjakan retail store, dari influence mereka untuk datang dan invest di indonesia, bantu mandorin design interior store, bikin team, bantu jualan, bantu web, bantu bawa VIP , bantu web orders dan bantu system, intinya "semua " deh. ngak cuma itu banyak sekali concept activation yang ada di pikiran saya untuk brand supaya bisa activasi brand mereka meng-edukasi followers - follower / Customer mereka. dangambar subject kali ini, menurut saya adalah symbol merepresentasikan masa saya di retail.
saya memulai dengan design " Vendiing Machine ". bilamana anda bertanya kenapa machine Vending. saya berpikir, concept retail yang sangat lucu dan bisa di bilang sangat bagus. mechine tersebut bekerja automatic, tanpa harus ada orang. Bisa jualan 24jam, dan concept supply dan deman dengan cara yang sangat keren dan modern. Banyak brand sudah mikir dan bikin activasi dengan vending machine. jualan sepatu atau accessories mereka. tetapi concept yang ada di pikiran saya menurut saya akan berbeda.
Di PART 01, saya harus mendesign gambar dan menguliti subjek mesin penjual otomatis dengan tema kotak Nike. Jika anda bisa lihat, terdapat jenis sepatu pada area pembayaran mekanis, untuk mewakili sepatu yang ada di dalam kotak sepatu dengan ukuran yang ada di dalam mesin. Aktivasi yang saya bicarakan bisa jadi, jika Anda memenangkan sepatu dalam undian, Anda harus pergi ke toko, menambahkan kode pin Anda, lalu membayar!, mesin penjual otomatis akan menjatuhkan ukuran yang Anda pesan secara otomatis dan kemudian Anda bisa ambil itu itu. tentu saja mesin penjual otomatis harus ada di toko untuk tujuan keamanan.
check out step by step cara saya membuat concept art illustrationnya .
Semoga kalian suka designnya
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )
Exercise Concept sketch this time, I thought with a very different idea.
I already know where the outcome will lead in PART 02 of the theme IF I EVER DESIGN: CONCEPT DESIGN VENDING MACHINE SWOOSH. Before showing the outcome, I have to start from point 0 / initial concept, draw the shape. to show a very cool concept activation that I have in mind.
You know, I used to work on retail stores, from their influence to come and invest in Indonesia, helping the foreman to design the interior of the store, building a team, helping with sales, helping with the website, helping to bring in VIPs, helping with web orders and helping with the system, basically "everything" right? . Not only that, there are lots of activation concepts that I have in mind for brands so that they can activate their brands by educating their followers / customers. and the subject image this time, in my opinion, is a symbol representing my time in retail.
I started with the "Vendiing Machine" design. when you ask why Vending machines. I think, the retail concept is very funny and can be said to be very good. The machine works automatically, without the need for people. Can sell 24 hours, and supply and demand concepts in a very cool and modern way. Many brands have thought about and created activations with vending machines. selling their shoes or accessories. but I think the concept in my mind will be different.
In PART 01, I have to design from skretch and skinned the subject matter the vending machine with a Nike box. If you can see, there is a shoe type in the mechanical payment area, to represent the shoe in a shoe box with size that are inside the machine. The activation i was talking about could be, if you win the shoe in a raffle, you have to go to the store, add your pin code , then pay !, the vending machine will drop the size you order automaticly and then you can grab it. of course the vending machine sould be in the store for safety purposes.
Check out step by step how I made the concept art illustration
Hope you like the design
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )
NOTE: I dont work for Nike, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you guys can contact me anytime
Bahasa Indonesia
Outline design buat sign "sold out" yang akan di tempel di kaca Vending Machine.
Outline design for the "sold out" sign which will be attached to the Vending Machine glass.
Bahasa Indonesia
Desain garis besar untuk tanda " sold out " dengan warna dan bayangan.
Outline design for the "sold out" sign with color and shadows.
Bahasa Indonesia
Saya menambahkan brand dan detail- detail tapi karena kebanyakan detail berwarna putih dan belom ada warna skin, jadi sangat nyaru. saya harus tambahkan warna lain di background untuk bisa lihat detail.
I added details but because most of the details are white and there's no color yet, it's very messy. I had to add another color to the background to be able to see the details.
Bahasa Indonesia
Saya tambahkan warna merah di background, dan bisa lihat design sama highlighat yang saya tambahkan. bilamana memakai warna putih sebagai background, akan susah untuk saya kerjakan.
I added red color to the background, and you can see the design and the highlights that I added. If I use white as a background, it will be difficult for me to work on
Bahasa Indonesia
Menambahkan color dan shadow di pintu Push sudah mulai terlihat sedikit realitasnya seperti apa bentuk akhirnya dari vending machine ini
By adding color and shadow to the Push door is starting to show a little bit of the reality of what the final concept detail and shape of this vending machine will look like
Bahasa Indonesia
Menambahkan shadow area di samping Vending machine dan detail shadow di bagian frame menuunjukan shape 3D di design refinement. bilamana tidak ada warna tersebut akan selalu terlihat flat di dalam graphic designnya
Adding a shadow area next to the vending machine and shadow details on the frame shows the 3D shape in the design refinement. If there are no colors, the graphic design will always look flat
Bahasa Indonesia
Setelah menambahkan bayangan samping, saya menambahkan lebih banyak detail pada bagian mekanisne area pembayarannya. saat saya mewarnainya dan menambahkan bayangan dan sorotan agar lebih dapat dipercaya. Saya yakin detail akan menonjolkan desainnya
After adding the side shadow, i add more detail on the mechanical . as i color it and add shadow and highlight to make it more believable. i believe detail will bring the design out
Bahasa Indonesia
Dengan menambahkan warna kulit utama pada mesin Vending, kini Anda dapat melihat desainnya mengarah ke arah yang bena
Adding the main skin color on the Vending machine, you can now that the design is heading somewhere to the right direction
Bahasa Indonesia
Menambahkan Kaca untuk melihat lebih detail untuk desain penuh
Adding the Glass to see more detail for the full design
Bahasa Indonesia
Design interior Vending machine menambahkan tidak cuma warna glass , tapi shadow untuk menunjukan depth dan detail size juga penting supaya terlihat real !. saya tidak memasang color exterior, supaya saya bisa lebih focus di color interiornya.
Vending machine interior design adding not only glass color, but shadow to show depth and size details is also important to make it look real!. i dont use exterior color, so i can focus on the detail more
Bahasa Indonesia
Menambahkan shadow and detail kecil di interior vending machine
Menambahkan bayangan dan detail kecil pada interior vending machine

Bahasa Indonesia
Design Vending Machine dengan skin box Nike warna Merah dan swoosh Putih.
Vending Machine design with Red Nike skin box and White swoosh
Bahasa Indonesia
Design Vending Machine dengan skin box Nike warna Orange dan swoosh Putih.
Vending Machine skin with Orange Nike box and White swoosh
Bahasa Indonesia
Design Vending Machine dengan skin box Nike warna abu-abu dan swoosh Putih.
Vending Machine skin with Grey Nike box and White swoosh
Bahasa Indonesia
Saya balik lagi memakai background color merah, dikarenakan saya lagi cari angle yang cocok untuk design background.
I went back to using a red background, because I was looking for a suitable angle for the background design.
Bahasa Indonesia
Outline design Interior dan Vending Machine
Outline design Interior & Vending Machine
Bahasa Indonesia
mewarnai dan mengecheck bilamana angle parket bener atau tidak.
Bahasa Indonesia
Mesin vending machine desain penyempurnaan dengan latar belakang dan tanpa tanda terjual habis
saya pilih warna yang nutral di dalam environment karena untuk menunjukan lebih focus di Vending machinenya.
Refinement design vending machine with background and with out the sold out sign
i took the nutral color design , so we can focus more on the Vending machine.
DESIGN OF 3 Vending Machine line up
Bahasa Indonesia
3 barisan MesinVending Machines akan menjadi tata letak yang bagus. menurutku lebih baik daripada hanya satu mesin saja. seperti yang Anda lihat pada sketsa konsep ini, tanpa highlight. Anda dapat melihat pada gambar berikutnya saya telah menambahkan sedikit highlight dan bayangan juga untuk lebih detail dan lebih real terlihatnya, tidak cuma flat color saja.
3 rows of Vending Machines would be a great layout. I think it's better than just one machine. as you can see in this concept sketch, without highlights. You can see in the next image I have added a little highlight and shadow too for more detail and a more realistic look, not just a flat color.
Bahasa Indonesia
Design Vending machine sepatu Nike di jejerin, Sudah saya tambahin accent highlight di area area tertentu. Ada yang pakai sold out sign dan ada yang tidak.
dari mata saya, agak jangal yeah, harus semua pakai "sold out " atau harus ada isinya yang tidak sold out.
Nike shoe vending machine design on the line. I have added accent highlights in certain areas. Some use sold out signs and some don't.
From my eyes, it's a bit odd, yeah, everything has to be "sold out" or there has to be content that isn't sold out.
Bahasa Indonesia
Design Vending machine sepatu Nike di jejerin dengan tanda " Sold Out ". keliatan lebih baik dan serasi. keren juga nih graphic di jadiin sebagai graphic di skateboard deck, Tshirt, Sticker atau novelty items platforms
Design Vending machine for Nike shoes on a line with a "Sold Out" sign. it looks better and more harmonious. It's also cool to use graphics as graphics on skateboard decks, T-shirts, stickers or novelty items platforms
Bahasa Indonesia
Design Vending machine sepatu Nike di jejerin dengan highlight dan environments.
menurut saya, ngak tau kenapa ,saya rasa kayak art deco drawing jaman dulu vibenya, yang clean and mirip architectural sketch. Design dengan enviroment lebih cocok buat artwork seperti di frame dan advertising builboard dengan tulisan -tulisan dan bukan concept sticker.
Nike shoe vending machine design lined with highlights and environments.
In my opinion, I don't know why, I feel like the vibe of old art deco drawings, which is clean and similar to an architectural sketch. Design with an environment is more suitable for artwork such as frames and advertising boards with writing and not concept stickers.
Bahasa Indonesia
Selagi saya design, saya salah pencet, tetapi outcome yang keluar di screen seperti ini.
menurut saya gambar ini sangat keren sih.... semua pitch black, cuma swoosh , tulisan AF-1 dan dalem vending machinenya nyala. tidak tau kenapa mengingatkan seperti music video atau film " Belly " yang di buat sama HYPE williams. keren sih bilamana Nike mengeluarkan concept AF-1 black total, tapi swooshnya doang 3M atau putih dan belakangnya di heel tab, tertulis jaitan AF-1 bukan Nike dan warnanya putih atau material 3M
While I was designing, I made a mistake, but the result that came out on the screen was like this.
I think this image is really cool... all pitch black, only the swoosh, the words AF-1 and the vending machine are on. I don't know why it reminds me of the music video or film "Belly" made by HYPE Williams. It would be cool if Nike released a total black AF-1 concept, but the swoosh is only 3M or white and behind it on the heel tab, it says AF-1 stitch, not Nike and the color is white or 3M material
*NOTE : heres a refference of Belly by Hype William video that i was talking about
Bahasa Indonesia
Saya percaya detail detail kecil akan mengangkat kedalaman dalam illustrasi , seperti highligh + shadow dan layering.
I believe small details will add depth to an illustration, such as highlights + shadows and layering.
Bahasa Indonesia
Bilamana di zoon baru bisa kebaca, tapi itu bener rules iseng saya bikin untuk mengisi area T&Cnya.
Saya umpetin sedikit easter eggs di tulisan ini.
In Zoon you can only read it, but it's really a fun rule I made to fill in the T&C area.
I put a few Easter eggs in this article.
Bahasa Indonesia
Banyak orang saya lihat selagi design graphic, deail kecil kadang di lupakan, saya coba sebisa mungkin menunjukan . salah satu design yang bisa di bilang sangat minor , seperti shadow tali, cuma dalam concept apresiasi zoom, anda bisa lihat detail-detail tersebut.
Many people I see during graphic design, sometimes forget small details, I try as much as possible to show them. one of the designs that could be said to be very minor, like the rope shadow, only in the concept zoom appreciation, you can see these details.
Bahasa Indonesia
Design area mechanical machine dengan digital display , kalian harus zoom in dan bisa liat tulisan swoosh dengan font digital seperti tulisan analogue. detail - detail kecil yang kalian harus perhatikan ada perbedaan warna di digilat area hurug S di swoosh, bisa di liat warna terang tidak mematikan huruf S nya. kalian juga bisa lihat high light dan shadow di bagian kecil yang bisa di bilang kurang penting , tapi detail kecil tersebut yang membuat gambar lebih hidup
Mechanical machine design area with digital display, you have to zoom in and you can see the swoosh writing in digital font like analogue writing. The small details that you have to pay attention to are the color differences in the area of the S on the Swoosh, you can see that the bright color doesn't turn off the S. You can also see the high light and shadow in small parts that can be said to be less important, but these small details make the image more alive.
Bahasa Indonesia
Saya suka sekali dimana shadow sign sold out itu reflecting di gelas Vending Machine dan dari situ masih bisa lihat size di rak. menunjukan layers or design sangat di buat dengan baik dan menunjukan kedaleman dalam perspective.
I really like where the sold out shadow sign reflects on the Vending Machine glass and from there you can still see the size on the shelf. shows layers or designs that are particularly well made and shows depth in perspective.
The Vending Machine printed on a skate deck for visualisation.
HINT FOR PART 02 .....
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