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Inilah satu lagi hasil Kreatif dari Otak saya, Menjelajahi konsep desain dan memadukan sneakers dengan otomotif. Saya terinspirasi oleh sebuah foto di media sosial, dimana ada mobil tertentu di elemennya (outdoor).
Kendaraan yang saya bicarakan adalah Land Rover Defender. ia memiliki citra yang tangguh dan terbuka. dan saya akan menggabungkannya dengan sub-line merek Nike. Saya suka ACG (All Condition Gear), konsep apparel yang fungsional, tema outdoor look dan teknologi yang berfungsi adalah nilai jual yang bagus menurut saya sama seperti mobil yang saya bicarakan.
Saya akan memvisualisasikan ilustrasi konsep, jika kedua merek berkumpul dan berkolaborasi untuk aktivasi lini ACG atau Land Rover. saya tahu beberapa merek telah melakukan apa yang saya visualisasikan. menempelkan stiker pada mobil tertentu dan memarkirnya di depan toko agar orang dapat berfoto. kalian akan liat saya mengambar dengan adobe illustration , dan saya akan menunjukan step by step saya mentackle concept illustration ini.
check out step by step cara saya membuat concept art illustrationnya .
Semoga kalian suka designnya
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )
Here is another Creative outcome from my Brain, Exploring concept design and mixing sneakers with motoring. i was inspired by a photo on social media and a friend of mine who does off-roading, where a certain car are in its element (outdoor).
The vehicle i was talking about is Land Rover Defender. it has this image of tough and outdoor. and im going to combine it with the sub-line of Nike brand. i love the ACG (All Condition Gear), the concept of apparel with function, the theme outdoor look and the technology with function is a good selling point in my opinion just like the car i was talking about.
im gonna visualize a concept illustration, if the 2 brand come togather and colaborated for an activation of the ACG line or the Land Rover. i know a few brand had done what i was visualizing . stickering certain cars and park them infront of a store for people to take pictures with. You will see me drawing with Adobe Illustration, and I will show you step by step how I tackled this concept illustration.
Check out step by step how I made the concept art illustration
Hope you like the design
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )
NOTE: I dont work for Nike, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you guys can contact me anytime
Bahasa Indonesia
Outline design ban mobil, bilamana kalian bisa lihat, design thred bannya ada symbol Swoosh
Outline of the car tire design, if you can see, the tire design has a Swoosh symbol
Bahasa Indonesia
Membuat garis besar desain mobil konsep untuk menjadi rangka
Make an outline of the concept car design to become the frame
Bahasa Indonesia
Bermain dengan color dan shadows dalam design bannya
Play with color and shadows on the tires
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mulai design bagian badan dan accessories + menambahkan filters ( highlights dan bayangan)
saya akan mulai dari ban dan terus ke atas samai bentuk monilnya selesai
start designing body parts and accessories + add filters (highlights and shadows)
I will start from the tire and work my way up until the shape of the wheel is complete
Bahasa Indonesia
Desing badan mobilnya tanpa detail
The car body design is without detail.
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Design bonet mobilnya sudah di illustrasikan
The design of the car's bonnet has been illustrated
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Kalian bisa lihat bumper mobil dan mesin tali kita masukan di illustrasi design mobilnya
You can see the car bumper and rope machine we included in the car design illustration
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kaca dan interior mobil kita illustrasikan
We illustrate the glass and interior of the car
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Design Mobil Land Rover defendernya tanpa accessires
The Land Rover Defender car design is without accessories
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Design dengan lampu sorot di atas tanpa rak dan background
Design with spotlights on top without shelve with background
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Karya Seni Konsep Desain Akhir kendaraan Nike ACG dengan Aksesoris.
Final Design Concept Artwork of Nike ACG vehicles with Accessories.
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sticker kecil di dalem interior sebagai design detail

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you can see the glass detail on the spot lights and stickers on the box
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detail di thred bannya
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Rep the ACG born year and the people that build the brand add on the plate.and oregon map with swoosh and letter N representing Nike
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Detail di gril depan dan jika Anda memperbesar, Anda dapat melihat sekrupnya

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Ilustrasi detail Lampu Mobil dengan tambahan Swoosh pada kaca
Detail illustration of the Car Lights with added Swoosh on the glass.
Bahasa Indonesia
Ilustrasi detail Rak atas dengan boxyang sudah di stickerin
Detailed illustration of top shelf with box heavily stickers.
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Design lampu sorot dengan cover logo ACG
Highlight design with ACG logo cover
Bahasa Indonesia
Desain bumper dengan lampu tersemat pada rangkanya
The bumper design with lights embedded on the frame
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