Location : Como Park, Kemang, Jakarta
Bahasa Indonesia
Saya di undang untuk menghadiri acara Locak brand sneakers " Kanky " berkolaborasi dengan " Never Too Lavish ". Acara di adakan di Commond Ground,di Como Park. Untungnya deket dari rumah, jadi saya bisa jalan dari rumah (5 menit). Pas saya hadir, saya on time dan tidak taunya acara masih menunggu para tamu untuk hadir aka kepagian. heahaehaehae
Acara ini, adalah untuk menunjukan early viewing kepada media. jadi sepatu ini belom release ke public. Colaborasi ini ada 2 silouete yang di design dengan Never Too Lavish, dan kita tau sendiri , NTL adalah studio creative anaka2 art yang punya telent dalam ngak cuma mengambar dengan media , tapi juga jago customize sepatu. sering sekali mereka mengikuti acara event dan menunjukan kemahiran mereka.concept kali ini keren menurut saya , Kany x NTL mengeluarkan dua warnanya, dan ideanya adalah merepresent Siang dan Malam. tadi para tamu juga di informasikan, sekarang Kanky tidak taunya punya 7 pilar, dimana buat bercolaborasi kali ini , di layer classic, yang memegang pilar classic ini adalah teman kita,Angga.
di Kursi perkenalan , ada Abeng dari NTL, Angga head of Kanky Classic dan ada juga keliatanya Head of Marketing / PR dari Kanki juga.
acaranya seru, tamu di sajikan makanan + minuman dan di tunjukan + informasikan mengenai product yang akan release tersebut, dari design dan material yang mereka makai + berapa banyak pair , kana release bagaimana etc.ada juga selain sepatu, rompi yang mereka design dengan tema color yang sama . setelah acara perkenalan itu ada sesi tanya jawab . saya liat banyak media dan teman teman sneakers yang hadir mensupport acara tersebut dan menurut saya acara media previewingnya sangat suksess.
click lebih lanjut untuk full documentationnya.
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I was invited to attend the Locak sneaker brand event "Kanky" in collaboration with "Never Too Lavish". The event was held on Common Ground, in Como Park. Luckily it's close to home, so I can walk from home (5 minutes). When I attended, I was on time and what I didn't know was that the event was still waiting for guests to attend, aka it was early in the morning. heahaehaehae
This event is to show early viewing to the media. So these shoes haven't been released to the public yet. This collaboration includes 2 silhouettes designed with Never Too Lavish, and as we know, NTL is a creative art studio that is talented in not only drawing with media, but also good at customizing shoes. They often take part in events and show their skills. In my opinion, the concept this time is cool, Kany x NTL released two colors, and the idea is to represent Day and Night. Previously the guests were also informed, now Kanky didn't know he had 7 pillars, where to collaborate this time, on the classic layer, the one holding this classic pillar is our friend, Angga.
In the introductory chair, there is Abeng from NTL, Angga, head of Kanky Classic and there is also apparently the Head of Marketing / PR from Kanki too.
The event was exciting, guests were served food + drinks and were shown + informed about the product that would be released, the design and material they used + how many pairs, how it was released, etc. Apart from shoes, there were also vests that they designed with color themes. the same one . After the introduction event there was a question and answer session. I saw that many media and sneaker friends were there to support the event and in my opinion the media previewing event was very successful.
Click further for full documentation.
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