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Ini adalah konsep PART 02 yang saya bicarakan. Jika saya tunjukkan langsung dengan tema SB di PART 01, tidak akan mendapatkan efek penuh dari ide saya.aka : melempem.
ilustrasi vending macine sebenarnya untuk ide konsep saya meng enterpretasikan idea aktivasi Nike SB. untuk Merayakan pencapaian tertentu, Nike akan memproduksi dek tersebut dan menjualnya dalam jumlah terbatas bersenandug dengan sepatu releasan tertentu.seperti halnya sepatu dimana SB selalu "SOLD OUT " dan memiliki aktivasi yang selalu dipikirin dan bagus. Menurut saya, ide konsep saya ini bisa dijadikan sebagai aktivasi yang keren.
bilamana ada activasi tertentu, pemenang bisa ambil dari vending machine di dalem toko dengan code menang mereka ( yang sudah terbukti menang dan size sepatu mereka). dan abis itu bisa tambah dikit lagi deck dengan printed illustration Nike SB Box Theme.
Semoga kalian suka design saya
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )
This is the PART 02 concept I'm talking about. If I show it directly with the SB theme in PART 01, it won't get the full effect of my idea.aka: sluggish.
the actual vending machine illustration was for my concept idea to interpret the Nike SB activation idea. To celebrate certain milestones, Nike will produce the deck and sell it in limited quantities along with certain shoe releases. Just like SB shoes are always "SOLD OUT" and have activations that are always thought out and great. In my opinion, my concept idea could be used as a cool activation.
If there is a certain activation, the winner can take it from the vending machine inside the store with their winning code (which has been proven to win and their shoe size). and after that you can add a little more deck with a printed illustration of the Nike SB Box Theme.
Hope you like my design and ideas
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )
NOTE: I dont work for Nike, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and exploring my creativity. So, Dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you guys can contact me anytime

Bahasa Indonesia
Line up design Vending Machine dengan tema Nike SB Box. dari yang sebelom SB sampai sekarang
Vending Machine line up design with Nike SB Box theme. from before SB until now
Bahasa Indonesia
Kalian bisa liat box sepatu ini. saya masing inget saya masih merasakan dapet box sepatu Nike seperti tersebut.Concept pertama skin buat Vending machine, box sepatu sebelom SB menjadi SB. saya design dengan color scheme accent box tersebut.
You can see this shoe box. I remember that I still felt like I got a Nike shoe box like that. The first concept was skin for a vending machine, a shoe box before SB have a specifict SB Box theme. it is actually a normal nike box, I designed it with the color scheme of that box.
Bahasa Indonesia
Desain 2 skin, mengambil petunjuk dari zaman kotak oranye. sekali lagi, Nike SB belum memproduksi box dengan desain khusus, masih Nike Box biasa tanpa tag Nike SB
Design 2 skin , took pointers from the orange box era. once again, Nike SB have not yet produce specifict desing box, still normal Nike Box with out tag Nike SB
Bahasa Indonesia
Design ke 3, SB sudah mulai memakai specifict box. accent box tersebut saya implementasikan ke skin Vending machine tersebut.
Design 3, SB has started using specifict boxes. I implemented the accent box into the vending machine skin..
Bahasa Indonesia
Salah satu box SB yang bisa di bilang paling terkenal. design yang sangat berbeda, warna pink yang bisa di bilang designya melencong tidak warna awam dan orang pasti akan tau, ini SB box.
One of the SB boxes that can be said to be the most famous. A very different design, the pink color can be said to be a different design than ordinary people and people will definitely know, this is an SB box.
Design 4 skin, i took them key points and add them pinks and black swoosh and put them on the skin.
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Bahasa Indonesia
Gold dengan Hitam Accent,menjadi skin design 06. Erak Golden box
Gold with black accents, becomes skin design 06. Erak Golden box
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Design 8 bisa di bilang design yang paling susah di implement dalam design skin buat orang yang masih pemula di illustrator. Era box tape designnya sangat detail dan keren. jadi saya coba membuat designnya mirip supaya terlihat sama dengan box sepatu SB-nya.
Design 8 can be said to be the most difficult design to implement in skin design for a beginner iin illustrator. Era box tape design is very detailed and cool. So I tried to make the design similar so that it looked the same as the SB shoe box
Bahasa Indonesia
Tema Box Teal warna yang di combine sama hitam menurut saya keren. Skin design 9 kita implementasikan color scheme itu
I think the teal box theme combined with black is cool. Skin design 9 we implement that color scheme
Bahasa Indonesia
Saat Anda melihat temanya, Anda akan tahu bahwa platform untuk visualisasi ini berada di dek skate. Menurut saya akan menjadi Aktivasi yang keren bagi SB, jika mereka memang menjadikan konsep deck ini untuk dikoleksi atau digunakan. produksi dek terbatas dengan nomor (1/100) untuk setiap desain. dan untuk referensi di masa mendatang, setiap kali mereka mengubah desain kotaknya, mereka membuat dek baru.
dan kapan mereka bisa melakukan ini, menurut saya untuk pencapaiannya berapa tahun SB didirikan atau bagaimana. dan kapan mereka bisa melakukan ini, menurut saya untuk pencapaiannya . celebration berapa tahun SB didirikan.
AS you see the theme, you will know that the platform for this visualisation would be on a skate deck. I think it will be a cool Activation for SB, if they do make this deck concept for collections or use. limited deck produce with numbers (1/ 100) for each design . and for future reference each time they change their box design , they make a new deck.
and when can they do this, i think for achievement / celebration to how many year SB are establish.
Bahasa Indonesia
Skate Deck dengan Illustration di line up dari kiri ke kanan , dari yang paling pertama sampai sekarang..
Skate Deck with Illustration is lined up from left to right, from the very first until now...and when will they be able to do this, I think for its achievements how many years SB was founded or what. and when they can do this, I think the achievement is how many years SB was founded or what.
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Hope you guys like my Toughts / conceptual design / Visualisation.
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