IF I EVER DESIGN : NIKE Sticker Concept for Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan tema " IF I EVER DESIGN : ", kemarin saya membuat concept design baju yang merepresent bilamana ada Nike Lab hadir di Indonesia. Dari situlah saya mengembangkan lebih lagi, gimic apa yang orang2 Indonesia suka sebagai novelty items yang cocok, buat di kasih atau beli.
Kali ini saya pikir untuk membuat Stickers. banyak orang di masa saya kerja di Retail store, sangat suka dan kadang nanya " Ada stickers buat di kasih / give away ngak ? " kalo ada gue mau dong.
Di design excercise kali ini saya berpikir lama, kira- kira apa yeah yang sangat cocok untuk merepresent Indonesia. pertama saya pikir, binatang, tetapi menurut saya bisa di bilang terlalu biasa. dan kalo orang ngak ngerti , akan anggap sticker binatang gambar binatang aja, tanpa embel2 yang padet menunjukan Indonesia. saya juga berpikir tema- tema lain, seperti makanan, batik ,dll. masih agak sedikit specific. Pas saya lagi liat photo2 di Blog , saya berpikir kenapa tidak monas Saja, dimana kemarin saya jalan dari rumah ke Monas dan balik lagi ke rumah. Monas adalah Monumet yang sangat merepresentasikan apa itu Indonesia, dan bukan cuma Jakarta.
Inillah journey saya mendesign sticker dengan tema Nike dan monument Monas.
Semoga kalian suka design saya
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )
Continuing the theme "IF I EVER DESIGN:", yesterday I made a concept design for clothes that represent when Nike Lab was present in Indonesia. From there I developed further, what gimmicks Indonesian people like as suitable novelty items to give or buy.
This time I thought about making Stickers. Many people when I worked at a retail store really liked it and sometimes asked, "Are there any stickers to give/give away?" If there were, I would like them.
In this design exercise, I thought for a long time about what would be most suitable to represent Indonesia. At first I thought, animals, but in my opinion you could say it's too ordinary. and if people don't understand, they will think that animal stickers are just pictures of animals, without any fancy frills that show Indonesia. I also think about other themes, such as food, batik, etc. still a bit specific. When I was looking at the photos on the blog, I thought why not just Monas, where yesterday I walked from home to Monas and back home. Monas is a monument that really represents what Indonesia is, and not just Jakarta.
This is my journey in designing stickers with Nike themes and the Monas monument.
Hope you like my design
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )
*NOTE: I dont work for Nike or their agency Studio, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and exploring my creativity. So dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork.. Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you guys can contact me anytime

Bahasa Indonesia
Ini adalah sketch design di screen Illustrator saya dimana saya mencoba2 design sesuatu yang merepresent tema Monas dan Nike. dari sketch kita teruskan ke refinement
This is a design sketch on my Illustrator screen where I tried to design something that represents the Monas and Nike themes. From the sketch we continue to refinement
Ini adalah beberapa final concept dengan refinement yang menurut saya cocok untuk di jadiakn sticker dan merepresent Monas.
These are some final concepts with refinements that I think are suitable to be used as stickers and to represent Monas
Bahasa Indonesia
Design pertama, design Monas yang sangat iconic dan saya tambahin logo Nike dan font
menurut saya design ini sangat menunjukan . menurut saya, bisa di bilang terlalu banyak dan terlalu berlebihan. ada logo swoosh, ada font Nike, ada shape monas. bisa di simple supaya lebih cantik
The first design, the Monas design is very iconic and I added the Nike logo and font
I think this design is very indicative. In my opinion, it could be said to be too much and too much. there is a swoosh logo, there is a Nike font, there is a monas shape. It can be made simple to make it more beautiful
Bahasa Indonesia
Dari design pertama, saya ubah , menghapus logo merah Nike, dan di ganti atasnya Monas dengan logo swoosh sebagai refference dan warna emas.
From the first design, I changed it, removed the red Nike logo, and replaced the Monas with the swoosh logo as a reference and gold.
Bahasa Indonesia
Design ke tiga, saya refine lagi dari design ke dua, tanpa Font Nike dan logo swoosh saya normalkan , bukan ke atas.
The third design, I refined it again from the second design, without the Nike font and I normalized the swoosh logo, not upwards.

Bahasa Indonesia
Design ke empat, saya baikan tulisan font nike di base, untuk melihat concept berbeda bilamana atasnya logo swoosh seperti biasa dengan font nama Nike.
Bahasa Indonesia
Design ke Lima dan ke Enam, saya ubah dan bisa di bilang lebih simplify lagi. saya pikir design monas saya ambil bagian tertentu aja. bila mana anda pada nanya, ini bagian mana, bisa di bilang base bawah tugu monasnya dan bisa juga atas area saja. tanpa bagian tengah atau basenya.
Design Lima, saya pikir conceptnya lebih simplify tanpa Font dan Nike sign seperti biasa
Design ke Enam, saya tambahkan Font tertulis Nike di bagian bawahnya.
I changed the fifth and sixth designs and could say they were even simpler. I think I will only take certain parts of the Monas design. If you ask, which part is this, you could say the base under the Monas monument and it could also just be the top area. without the middle or base.
Design Five, I think the concept is simpler without the usual fonts and Nike sign
Design number six, I added Nike written font at the bottom
Bahasa Indonesia
Design ke Tujuh dan Delapan, masih bertema seperti design Lima dan Enam. tetapi saya cuma mengubah shape Swooshnya balik ke atas lagi
Menurut kalian gimana concept design saya ? anggep aja saya masih pemula, dan masih belajar dalam illustrator. bilamana kalian ingin design ini terwujudkan (maaf ini cuma excercise saja)
kira2 design nomer berapa yang kalian sukain ?
Designs Seven and Eight, still have a theme like designs Five and Six. but I just changed the shape of the Swoosh back to the top again
What do you think of my concept design? Let's just say I'm still a beginner, and still learning in Illustrator. If you want this design to come true (sorry, this is just an exercise)
What number of designs do you like?
Sticker Design 01
Sticker Design 02Sticker Design 03
Sticker Design 04
Sticker Design 05
Sticker Design 06
Sticker Design 07Sticker Design 08
Sticker Design 09
Sticker Design 10
*NOTE : all this drawing you see above are Photoshop produced, i did not produce / print my stickers design.
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