Sedikit Behind the Scene, Selagi saya sedang belajar mengambar dalam illustrator , saya akan design concept art lagi.kali ini kalian sudah tau saya suka sekali Nike sub-line ACG( All Condition Gear ).
Saya pikir Concept Art bertema outdoor akan keren, saya berpikir platform kali ini agak beda, saya akan design graphic di mobil Land Rover. mobil tersebut sangat cocok dengan image ACG. dimana mobil tersebut sudah ada history dan terbukti buat outdoor para tracker, selalu memakai mobil tersebut sebagai vehicle mereka.
Semoga kalian suka design saya
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )
A little Behind the Scene, While I'm learning to draw in Illustrator, I'm going to design concept art again. This time you already know I really like the Nike sub-line ACG (All Condition Gear).
I think outdoor themed Concept Art will be cool, I think the platform this time is a bit different, I will design graphics on a Land Rover car. the car really fits ACG's image. where the car already has a history and has been proven to be an outdoor tracker, always using the car as their vehicle.
Hope you like my design and ideas
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )
NOTE: I dont work for Nike, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and exploring my creativity. So, Dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you guys can contact me anytime
Bahasa Indonesia
Dari gambar ini Saya terinspirasi untuk mengambar concept mobil dengan logo brand. bilaman kalian lihat detail hook di mobil, itu yang membuat saya berpikir, keren juga logo kalo hooknya Nike.
From this picture I was inspired to draw a concept car with a brand logo. When you see the hook details on the car, that makes me think, the logo would be cool if the hook was Nike
Bahasa Indonesia
Langkah pertama selalu membuat sketsa, membuat garis luar dan bentuk setiap bagian pada gambar, ini akan membantu keseluruhan tampilan
First steps always sketch ,making the outlines and shapes of each parts on the drawing , this will help with over all look
Bahasa Indonesia
pelan pelan menambahkan warna dan melayer design untuk dapet effect.
Slowly adding color and layering to get the effect
Bahasa Indonesia
design lampu dengan warna dan corak. tapi masih terlihat datar menurut saya
the design of the lights with color and a bit of shades. It still look flat in my opinion.
Bahasa Indonesia
Detail detail kecil seperti stickers , akan mengangkat effect artworknya.
Small details, such as stickers, will elevate the effect of the artwork.
Bahasa Indonesia
Detail kaca di lampu dengan cara layering akan mengangkat lebih buat orang makin menukai pas melihat lebih dekat. biasanya detail kecil yang akan membuat cerita.
The glass details on the lamp by layering will elevate it more so that people like it more when they look closer. it's usually the small details that make the story.
Bahasa Indonesia
Kalian bisa liat layerng itu sangat penting, supaya graphic design tidak terlihat flat or kaku.
You can see that layering is very important, so that the graphic design doesn't look flat or stiff.
Bahasa Indonesia
Part 02 dari design setelah saya clear view dari depan, saya akan design gambar dari samping.
Part 02 of the design after I clear the view from the front, I will design the image from the side.
Bahasa Indonesia
saya belajar. dengan adanya tema layering, saya harus berpikir layer paling atas itu apa, dan layer paling bawah apa. ini akan menambahkan kedaleman untuk terlihat lebih sempurna nantinya,
di gambar ini kalian bisa lihat ban mobilnya di depan dan bayangan di belakang karena bayangan itu akan paling bawah
I am learning. With the layering theme, I had to think about what the top layer was and what the bottom layer was. This will add depth to make it look more perfect later,
In this picture you can see the car tires in front and the shadow in the back because the shadow will be at the bottom

Bahasa Indonesia
pelan-pelan di tambahin color dan di antara color juga harus di tambahin shadow dan highlights
slowly add color and in between the colors you also have to add shadows and highlights
Bahasa Indonesia
kalian bisa lihat di gambar ini, saya sendang menambahkan higlights di bagian kuning untuk tidak terlihat datar
You can see in this picture, I'm adding highlights in the yellow part so it doesn't look flat
Bahasa Indonesia
Pembelajran buat saya , kerja dari paling belakang ke depan dan abis itu kerjain setiap layer dari bawah ke atas. akan membantu dan terlihat , apa yang kurang dan apa yang lebih.
The lesson for me was to work from the back to the front and then work on each layer from the bottom to the top. will help and look , what is missing and what is more.
Bahasa Indonesia
Nike mempunyai sub line yang kuat di outdoor yaitu ACG line, saya akan menerapkan logo tersebut di boody line.
Nike have a sub line that are strong in outdoor, which is the ACG line, im going to implement that logo on the boody line.
Bahasa Indonesia
Bagaimana dengan logo ACG yang tepat di panel pintu?. sama seperti logo pada mobil Land Rover?. menurutku itu terlihat keren tapi kurang mendalam
How about the ACG logo smack bang in the door pannel?. just like them logos on the Land Rover cars?. i think it looks cool but lack depth
Bahasa Indonesia
Kalo di samping deket area kaca gimana ? apakah bagus ? saya pikir design ini bisa sih, tapi masih harus ada logo nike.
What about next to the glass area? is it good? I think this design can be done, but it still has to have the Nike logo.
Bahasa Indonesia
Big Nike logo exposed on the body, really cool!!
Nike Logo besar terpapar di body, keren banget !!
Bahasa Indonesia
Keren Nihhh Kalo logo Swoosh di belakang dan ACG di pintu
terlihat layering sangat bagus dan modern.Saya akan post final concept design besok
It's cool if the Swoosh logo is on the back and ACG on the door
looks very nice and modern layering.I will post the final concept design tomorrow
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